Thursday, June 26, 2008

Milbank discussion

There is a extremely revealaing discussion with John Milbank posted at (HT:, F&T). It discusses the last chapter of Theology and Social Thery, but it goes off in all kinds of directions, and Milbank talks a bit about his background and stuff. For those of you, like me, still trying to figure out what it actually is Milbank wants to accomplish this is a great source.

Otherwise, the book came to be written really by accident in the sense that I was asked to write a textbook, and the publishers were totally horrified when I didn’t produce a text book. And when I set out to write it I really honestly and truly assumed I was going to talk about the mutual help that theology, sociology, and Marxism could give to each other. But somehow quite quickly when I started to get into that I felt that there was an incredible assumption going on in the usual approaches, that somehow social/scientific discourses were sort of theologically innocent or neutral, and that theology wasn’t inherently itself a social theory and an account of history. And I suppose that is the main methodological point in a sense that is being made.


Anonymous said...

Hej Patrick!
Jeg er en dansk teologistuderende, som på nuværende tidspunkt er på Bjärka-Säby. Jeg talte med Samuel Rubenson, som fortalte, at du har skrevet en afhandling om Isak Syreren. Da jeg er ved at skrive om ham (om forholdet mellem hans asketiske teologi og soteriologi), vil jeg meget gerne læse den, hvis jeg må. Min mailadresse er Håber at høre fra dig. Alt godt. Simon Fuhrmann

Ville said...

Intressant, detta bekräftar lite av det som jag undrade över då jag läste Theological Transgression. Det vill säga varför han väljer just sociologi och marxism som sina samtalspartners. Tack.