Yeah, I know, I am venturing a bit outside my chosen subject, but not as much as it may seem. I just have to write a bit about this amazing gig I went to yesterday. It was my first Radiohead show, even though I've been a huge fan for years.
In a way what I am trying to do in this blog is related to what Radiohead are trying to do, as I interpret them. A lot of people call Radiohead depressing, and if one reads the lyrics only one can understand such a perception. However, live something wonderful takes place. Suddenly phrases like "We are accidents waiting to happen", "Infrastructure will collapse" (from my new favourite House of Cards) and "Ice-age coming" take on a completely different sense. This is exactly what I would like theology to do: to turn the fact that the world, or at least western culture is in decline and turn it into something powerful. I believe it is possible. I observed the mechanism at work yesterday, now I have to figure out how to apply it on theology.
I'm not sure about this, but it seems Radiohead is going more and more in this kind of apocalyptic direction. Most of the new songs seemed to be about the problems we are facing, and the same is true about many of the old songs that were played yesterday. Maybe what Thom and the others are trying to do is what Alistair McIntosh writes about in his Soil and Soul to change the way we perceive the world by using art. McIntosh shows how this has always been one role of artists. I think maybe this is one of the things that struck Thom when he read the book he considered to be "truly mental".
The joy that is present at a gig like the one yesterday may be nothing more than joy. But I do find it hard to believe that the substance in the music that produces this joy would not do something important in the minds of those participating. I different awareness, a sense of empowerment. There is hope within us, even though what is outside is bleak. Isn't this very close to what religion is about?
I will return to the theology tomorrow. Now I got to go hunt the internet for more bootlegs!
1 week ago
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