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Karl Rahner vs. Reinhold Niebuhr
Anders Nygren vs. Mary Daly
Half-time up-date:
6 - 1 to Rahner who seems to have a firm grip of the match.
2 - 4 to Daly, in game that seems to have the audience leaving the stadium before half time...
Final Results:
13 - 1 Winner Karl Rahner
7 - 5 Winner Anders Nygren
Group Standings:
Karl Rahner 3 +12
Anders Nygren 3 +2
Mary Daly 0 -2
Reinhold Niebuhr 0 -12
Law and Justice
3 days ago
Karl Rahner
Anders Nygren
Rahner is the greatest catholic theologian of the 20th century. When he say that God is a mystery it means something.
Nygren is probably nowwhere as importand as Daly internationally, but he has left a huge mark on theology in the nordic countries, particularly on the notion of what kind of theology is acceptable at state owned theological faculties.
I'm torn with the first matchup, for some reason I always think of Rudolf Otto when I see Reinhold Niebuhr which for some reason makes me want to vote for him. But I feel I'd be disloyal to my Pontifical university if I didn't vote for Rahner here.
I'm voting for Daly just cause.
Rahner is important, but he is nowhere near as great as von Balthasar.
Rahner without a doubt. the greatest 20th century Catholic Theologian (HUVB has been more important post-mortem)
Never read Nygren, but I cannot vote for Daly. I love feminist theology and her impact is obvious, but wrestling with the tradition is more my style than throwing it out.
I tend to think that R. R. Niebuhr was actually one of the worst things that happened to North American theology in the 20th century, and I also think Karl Rahner was one of the better things that happened to European theology in the 20th century. It's sort of embarrassing to even see their names put together.
Rahner and Daly
It is difficult to vote against Niebuhr...i do not think he was the worst thing that happened to american theology...Someone needed to put the social gospel movement in its place.
I vote for daly out of recognition for her unending Joshua, i dont agree with her theological trajectory.
1. Niebuhr
2. ? - I'm only voting on matches I care/know about.
I think it should have been H.Richard Niebuhr who was nominated as he was certainly the scholar of the two. Their sister Hulda also made some fine contributions (see Faith of our Foremothers). I am going with Niebuhr (Reinhold) because he made religion relavant to society. He was on the cover of Time magazine. He was being discussed in non-religious circles. He was one of the last great (truly) public theologians.
If he doesn't advance to the next round - and it is not looking good this at stage of the match - he should be brought back as a "Wild Card" ala American Idol.
6 - 1 to Rahner who seems to have a firm grip of the match.
2 - 4 to Daly, in game that seems to have the audience leaving the stadium before half time...
Rahner (by a million miles)
John and Aaron,
I didn't say that R.R. Niebuhr was the worst thing to happen to North American theology. He's just one of the worst things to happen to North American theology. Granted the social gospel, as it was developed in North America in the early 20th century had some significant problems, but to see R.R. Niebuhr as the solution is sort of like seeing smoking crack as the solution to one's alcohol addiction.
Niebuhr certainly helped make religion relevant, but whether or not he made Christianity relevant is a whole different kettle of fish.
Of course, I'm writing somewhat playfully here (God bless you, Stanley Hauerwas, you make theology so much fun... and so much more Christian than the Niebuhrs made it) but I also think I'm on pretty solid ground when I make these statements.
I know one should love one's Niebuhr as oneself, but . . .
Daly broke some ground, Nygren's doctrine of agape has been a baleful influence.
So: Rahner and Daly
Voting closed.
Final Results
13 - 1 Winner Karl Rahner
7 - 5 Winner Anders Nygren
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