For Game 2 of the Round of 16, Gustavo Gutierrez meets Joseph Ratzinger.
Gustavo Gutierrez is the most famous "third world" theologian and the father of Liberation theology. His most well known works are A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, Salvation and We Drink From Our Own Wells: The Spiritual Journey of A People.
Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, hardly needs a presentation. Considered progressive, even radical, in his youth, after the Second Vatican Council he is considered to have become gradually more conservative. As a theologian, his most well known work is Introduction to Christianity. It is also well known that Ratzinger is a fierce opponent of the Liberation Theology Gutierrez represents, so this should be an interesting game.
Law and Justice
3 days ago
I'd like to extend a warm welcome to the dozen or so members of the "Cardinal Ratzinger fan club" who have found their way into this game. Feel free to take part in our tournament. We are already in the round of 16, and you can see the brackets for the tournament here.
I am glad this is a close race, but I was sure it would be close the other way around. I wonder if it is the Swiss Guard that is doing all that new voting... off to check the map. :-)
For a clue as to Ratzingers turn-around, look here and here.
I guess as the tournament approaches its conclusion, well placed links like these will play an increasing role. :)
Indeed, does not a world-wide fan club indicate some degree of greatness and influence? After all, the Ratzinger Fan Club has been going for years, long before he became pope.
Also, Ratzinger was comfortably ahead before I informed the Fan Club of the tournament, so I don't feel too bad.
Hey, it's perfectly valid. Of course, being pope give a person a somewhat wider audience, but I think it's fare.
Interesting to see what all those die-hard Moltmann fans will do to counter the awesome power of the Ratzinger-fanclub in the quarter-final.
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